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Thank You for Your Donation!

Because of you Jersey Harmony is on its way to having the funds required to send all members to competition! I am sure Anita would have been grateful.

Sweet Adeline's Regional Competition in Albany is an experience we don't want anyone to miss. In the words of one of our members: "My first competition was so exciting! And singing in performances feels great. I love the energy of performing." Meridith Dudzinski, Lead
No matter your donation amount, we are deeply thankful for it.
For donations of $100 or more, we'd like to give you a gift - an electronic birthday card with one of our quartets singing Happy Birthday in 4-part harmony to a dear friend or loved one of your choosing. Request your thank you gift here!

In Gratitude,

Alice, Robin, Sandra, Sarah R, Sarah W
Jersey Harmony Chorus Fundraising Committee

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