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Order a Jersey Harmony Chorus
Singing Birthday Gram!

Wish your friends & family a

personalized Happy Birthday!

Request a Jersey Harmony Chorus Quartet
to sing a 4-part harmony Happy Birthday to your loved one.

Love that Red Quartet
Champagne Alley Quartet

Choose Your Birthday Gram Option!

Option 1: Audio for $10

A personalized audio recording of a
Jersey Harmony Chorus Quartet singing
Happy Birthday sent as an MP3 file.
Listen to an example by clicking on the
start button to the right.

Happy Birthday Audio Gram ExampleJersey Harmony Chorus Quartet
00:00 / 00:24

Option 2: Video for $17

A personalized video recording of a
Jersey Harmony Chorus Quartet singing
Happy Birthday sent as an MP4 file. Watch and
listen to an example by clicking on the start
button to the right.

Option 3: Audio Slideshow for $21

A personalized audio recording of a
Jersey Harmony Chorus Quartet singing
Happy Birthday to a slideshow of your
personally selected photos sent as an MP4 file. Watch and listen to an example by clicking on the start button to the right.

Raw 2

Ready to Order Your Birthday Gram?

Click on the text below that corresponds to the type of Birthday Gram you want to order.
The text link will take you to a Birthday Gram Request Form that must be completed in order to get your personalized Birthday Gram.

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